REST Email Marketing API Documentation


Content blocks are places where you can store blocks of content that you want to integrate into Mailings or Document dynamically. A Content Block could be a coupon offer, with the image of the coupon, some text in the HTML around it, and within the text a link that takes the recipients to your website. By building this into a Content Block you can re-use this block of content in many Mailings or Documents, and can conditionally determine which Content Blocks should be shown to the recipient.

You must provide a Title for your Content Block. Recipients will not see this, so you can use a name that has meaning for you. You may find it useful to also provide a description, if the name is not obvious. Using keywords that you would recognize in the description can help you find the document later when searching for it.


Content Blocks are designed to be dynamically inserted into Mailings or Documents. But what if you support an international audience, and send your Mailing or Document in several languages? One possibility would be to create different content blocks, one for each language. But Symphonie makes this easier by allowing you to designate the language for the content block, and to store multiple versions of the Content Block in different languages. When Symphonie merges the Content Block into a Mailing or Document, it looks for a Content Block with that name, in the language designated for that Mailing or Document. That way you can reference the single Content Block and the appropriate language version will be merged.

Combining HTML

Content Blocks are substituted into the content (Document or Mailing) at the point you select. The HTML is not changed in anyway automatically by Symphonie, so you need to make sure the HTML of your Content Block will merge seamlessly with the existing HTML in your content. All elements created in a content block should end within that content block (i.e., if you start a table, div, span, etc. in the Content Block, make sure the end tag is also present).

It is important to run test preview or test mailings on content that uses Content Blocks, to make sure it renders the way you want.

Mail Merge and Dynamic Content

You can include mail merge tags or dynamic content in your Content Block that will be evaluated when the Content Block is substituted into the Mailing or Document. Since it is not known at the time that you create the Content Block whether it will be used in a Document or Mailing, you cannot use Document-specific tags like DynamicTag. It is also not possible to have Content Blocks include other Content Blocks, but most of the other powerful mail merge and dynamic content features are available.

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